The One True Vehicle Jun25 by Martin on June 25, 2014 at 12:01 am Chapter: THE SCHETCH PADCharacters: Finn ↓ TranscriptMy wife and I are different religions; we're both VW, but I'm Orthodox. Share it, dude. Spread the love.EmailFacebookTwitterTumblrLinkedInPinterestLike this:Like Loading... Related └ Tags: beetle, fin, marital bliss, orthodoxy, religion, volkswagen nut, VW Related Comics ¬ Mine’s Better Entschuldigen Sie, Bitte. Would My Kid Be a “Child of a Limb Different Adult” (COLDA)? But That Will Force the Klingons Through the Estrogena 7 Anomaly! Proverbs 22:6
Good stuff, Maynard.
Wow. I was really being lazy with that background, wasn’t I?